Perhaps we would never know if we never took a chance on love.. if we never took a chance on each other only to find our hearts wrapped up into one;
to create another two little hearts, turning us into a beautiful little family of four.
When Jack met Tamami, the world turned into mixing cultures like paint to create the most beautiful work of art.
The creator was pleased with His work.
So carry on dear family, keep laughing, smiling and doing life together.
Where the beach calls your name
adventures tug your soul and
new brush stokes hit canvases with each new day that dawns..
Jack, Tamami, Maia & Emmy The perfect four xo
Cue the cuteness overload.. CANT handle this much love EXPLODING from a family....
A sweet little family shoot for a family who drove 1.5hrs to meet me for some Spring family lovin'
But seriously.. could it get any cuter? I even got some photography pointers from Minnie on the camera. Clearly she part time models and takes images.. ehehe
Awesome foursome
The awesome foursome - picture perfect this family!
The creator smiled when he brought Dave & Taneal together. Knowing their adventures of love would be filled with two cheeky boys with love that ran deep.
Its evident the sense of belonging when you are in their presence. There is a calmness about them and a whole lot of joy..
When Paxton asked.. “Mum, why do you love photos?”
"Because I do" she replied.. realising the importance of preserving moments in time before blinking and your children are all grown up.
So if you do anything this year. Do just that. Take in that moment of time. Be present with your family and friends and notice things you haven't noticed before. Notice the smiles, the moments of quiet, the loud intense moments and breathe it all in.. after all, time keeps moving on..
Be blessed this year xo.